
Neurofeedback therapy
A healthy brain is like an orchestra: all instruments - from violins to timpani - play their parts as loudly and as often as the piece of music calls for. But with a mental disorder, the instruments play their own tunes: It's supposed to be a relaxing violin part, but instead the drums are rumlbling frighteningly. This is how the brain works: Certain brain rhythms are associated with certain states, such as relaxation, concentration or high performance. In a mental disorder, however, one or more of the brain rhythms are out of step. With the help of computer-assisted methods, these brain rhythms are trained back into their normal range. Neurofeedback is used for a wide variety of disorders, such as AD(H)D, migraines, epilepsy, sleep disorders, depression, tinnitus, and tension-type headaches.
Peak performance training
A big advantage of neurofeedback training is that it can be used with people without disorders to increase their personal cognitive performance. This type of neurofeedback training is called peak performance training. Many professional athletes, like tennis player Mary Pierce or Motor2 driver Max Neukirchner, and football clubs like AC Milan Real Madrid or Chelsea use neurofeedback. In peak performance training, athletes practice optimal mental and physical states that help them to deliver their best performance in competition. Not only athletes benefit from neurofeedback: West Point Military Academy, US Special Forces & Navy Seals Training, NASA Astronaut Training Center and others use Peak Performance Training. Many top managers and academics use neurofeedback because it reliably improves cognitive flexibility, working memory, and behavioral control.